Ystwyth CC jerseys through the years

To celebrate 65 years of the club in 2017, we arranged for club member and grandson of original founding members Audrey and Bill Rushton, Kristian Bond, to photograph the club jerseys through the years. The collection has survived thanks to our Welsh Commissaire and longstanding club member from 1963, Ken Williams.

The jerseys will be on display in Summit Cycles from mid-October and can be viewed online along with over 200 photographs from the club’s history in the People’s Collection Wales website: https://www.peoplescollection.wales/user/10467/author/10467/sort/date
1952 – 1965

1966 – 1987

1988 – 1989

1990 – 1992

1993 – 2003

2004 – 2009

2010 – 2016

New – Monthly Beginner Rides starting Sunday 2nd April

Whether you are new to riding or looking at getting back on your bike after a break, the monthly Beginner Ride is a great way to enjoy riding your bike with others, building up your fitness and confidence and a chance to enjoy a sociable coffee stop!
The route for the Sunday 2nd April will be out to Borth (25 miles) with a coffee stop at Cletwr Cafe with no-one left behind: https://www.strava.com/routes/7908527  
Meet 9:30am at Plascrug Leisure Centre in Aberystwyth.

More details about the monthly Beginner Rides can be found at: https://www.bc-clubs.co.uk/ystwythcc/index.php/club-rides/beginner-ride/

Ystwyth ladies race again at Stourport

For the fifth time this season, Ystwyth ladies Lois Brewer, Leah Brewer and Anita Saycell made the 200-mile round trip to Stourport-on-Severn to compete in the University of Birmingham one day stage race. Stage 1 in the morning was a 10-mile TT on a very lumpy course – Anita was the fastest YCC rider with an impressive mid 27s, Lois was just over a minute slower with Leah in the mid 29s. Stage 2 in the afternoon was a 55-minute circuit race with a field of nearly 40 women. Racing was fast and furious from the off and the field splintered into 4 groups. Leah managed to get into the 2nd group, with Lois in the 3rd and Anita in the 4th. As the race progressed, the 3rd and 4th groups joined, this larger group then worked hard for 20 minutes and finally caught Leah’s group. In the last 10 minutes, the lead group on the road lapped the now combined chasing group forming one large peloton. The last few laps were fast but the group stayed together for an impressive final sprint. Leah was the first of the YCC ladies across the line with Lois and Anita not far behind. Final times and placings are yet to be released.

Many thanks to Paul Brewer for the above report and photos.

Make 2017 your year to try the Ystwyth CC TT series

The great thing is that time trialling is for everyone, it doesn’t matter whether you have a road bike or the latest aero bike, whether you are 19 years old or 90 years old!  Everyone has the same goal trying to beat their own personal best time.  The club runs a great weekly Wednesday evening time trial series from April to August.  If you need one more reason… there will be FREE cake, tea and coffee for the courses starting at the Butterfly Farm, Cwm Rheidol.

Not sure what to expect?  Join us 9am outside Plascrug Leisure Centre on Saturday 1st April to ride the 10 mile course at a very leisurely pace and ask any questions. https://www.facebook.com/events/197599057395180/

Save the date… Wednesday 5th April is the first event of the series.


Y Cymro Jon Mould yn ennill ras Ystwyth CC yng nghymoedd mwyngloddio Ceredigion

Jon Mould o JLT Condor oedd gyntaf dros y llinell yn un o rasys lôn cynharaf y tymor, sef y Tour of the Mining Valleys, a gynhaliwyd gan Glwb Beicio Ystwyth yn Aberystwyth, Ceredigion ddydd Sul 5ed Mawrth 2017. Fe gadwodd y glaw draw am ran helaeth y ras, ond wedi cawodydd trymion yn gynnar y bore, a chyda gwynt oer yn dal i chwythu, roedd hi’n fore heriol ar y rhiwiau rhwng Aberystwyth, Pontrhydygroes a Phontarfynach.

Croesodd Mould y llinell cyn Issac Mundy o PMR@Toachim House yn yr ail safle, Edward Roberts o Team Elite yn drydydd, George Fox o Team Bottrill-HSS Hire yn bedwerydd, Daniel Bigham o Brother NRG Driverplan yn bumed a chyd-aelod o dîm JLT Condor, Ed Laverack, yn chweched, wedi i grŵp o seiclwyr dorri’n rhydd o’r peloton wrth iddynt gylchu’r cwrs am yr eildro.

Roedd y cwrs 75 milltir o hyd yn un caled, llawn rhiwiau serth, yn nodweddiadol o Geredigion. Ond mentrodd dros 60 o seiclwyr y ras drwy’r cymoedd mwyngloddio, gan ddringo’r rhiw i’r Gors deirgwaith cyn gorfod wynebu’r ddringfa filltir o hyd o Bontrhydygroes i Bontarfynach ar ddiwedd y ras. Mould enillodd y wobr am y ddringfa olaf honno, gydag Edward Roberts yn ennill y wobr am ddringo rhiw y Gors am yr eildro a Zach May o Metaltek Kuota am ei ddringo am y tro olaf.

Roedd enillydd y ras, Mould, eisoes wedi dod yn ail i gyd-aelod arall o’i dîm, JLT Condor, sef Ed Clancy, yn Ras Goffa Eddie Soens yn Aintree ddydd Sadwrn.

Braf iawn hefyd oedd gweld nifer o seiclwyr o’r categori iau yn dal eu tir gyda’r seiclwyr hŷn.

Mae albwm llawn o luniau’r ras, gan Adam Hughes, i’w gweld yma https://hugheses.smugmug.com/Adams-Photos/Tour-of-the-Mining-Valleys-2017/ Tynnwyd y lluniau isod o Jon Mould yn gwibio am y llinell ac yn dathlu ei fuddugoliaeth gan Kristian Bond.

Hoffai Clwb Beicio Ystwyth ddiolch i’r holl seiclwyr a thimau a ddaeth draw i’r gorllewin i rasio, yn ogystal ag i bawb a gynorthwyodd i gynnal y ras. Diolch hefyd i’r rhai ddaeth allan i gefnogi ar ochr y ffyrdd. 

Tour of the Mining Valleys 2017 race report

Jon Mould of JLT Condor sprinted for the win at Ystwyth CC’s early season Tour of the Mining Valleys in Aberystwyth, Ceredigion on Sunday 5th March 2017. The rain kept away for most of the race, but early morning downpours teamed with wind and low temperatures made for a challenging morning on the hills inland of the town.

Mould finished ahead of Issac Mundy of PMR@Toachim House in second, Edward Roberts of Team Elite in third, George Fox of Team Bottrill-HSS Hire in fourth, Daniel Bigham of Brother NRG Driverplan in fifth and Mould’s teammate at JLT Condor, Ed Laverack, securing sixth place, after a breakaway group left the peloton on the second lap.

The hilly profile of the 75-mile route, with three ascents of the New Cross climb followed by the sting in the tail, the 1 mile ascent of the climb from Pontrhydygroes to Devil’s Bridge, attracted a field of over 60 riders. Mould took the  prime prize for the ascent of the ’49er from Pontrhydygroes to Devil’s Bridge, with Edward Roberts securing the first prime on the second lap climb to New Cross and Zach May of Metaltek Kuota taking the second prime on the final ascent of New Cross.

Race winner Mould had already secured second place to teammate Ed Clancy at Saturday’s Eddie Soens Memorial at Aintree.
A full album of race photos, to be credited to Adam Hughes, can be seen at https://hugheses.smugmug.com/Adams-Photos/Tour-of-the-Mining-Valleys-2017/ The images below of Jon Mould sprinting for the line and celebrating his win are thanks to Kristian Bond.
Ystwyth CC would like to thank all riders and teams who made it to west Wales for the race, as well as Anthony Motors and all those who helped to make the race possible. Thanks are also due to the local supporters on the roadsides.

Jon Mould wins Ystwyth’s 2017 Tour of the Mining Valleys

Jon Mould of JLT Condor won Ystwyth CC’s 2017 Tour of the Mining Valleys in Aberystwyth, Ceredigion on Sunday 5th March, having finished 2nd to teammate Ed Clancy at the Eddie Soens Memorial race at Aintree the previous day. Full results, race report and photos are to follow, with thanks to Kristian Bond for the photograph below of Jon sprinting for the win.

Ystwyth CC would like to thank the field of riders for supporting the race and all those who made the race possible, as well as club members and all others who were out on the roadsides showing their support. Diolch yn fawr i bawb.

No Sunday Club Rides – 5th March

Just a reminder that there are no Sunday Club Rides this Sunday (5th March) to encourage as many people as possible to be on the course cheering on the riders from many parts of the UK taking on the Tour of the Mining Valleys Road Race.
The race starts at 10:30am and the route is:
4 laps of a course comprising Southgate, Llanfarian, Llanilar, Trawscoed, New Cross, Southgate before a finishing route of Llanafan Saw Mills, Pontrhydygroes, Devils Bridge, Pisgah, Capel Seion and Moriah, finishing between Moriah and Southgate (Penparcau).

More details on the Event Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1809872385943386/

Image may contain: 2 people, people riding bicycles, bicycle and outdoor

Ystwyth CC Ladies’ Success in Early Season Race Series

The Woolly Mamil early season race series was run on four consecutive weeks on the Stourport circuit near Kidderminster, with sisters Lois and Leah Brewer and Anita Saycell representing Ystwyth CC. The field was open to all categories of rider from elite through to novice racers (4th category) and involved a 45 minute race on the circuit. Over the four weeks of racing the Ystwyth ladies enjoyed a win and top 10 positions most weeks.   
Week 1: Anita 4th, Leah 8th, Lois 9th (field of 20 riders)
Week 2: Anita 1st, Leah 8th, Lois 10th (field of  23 riders)
Week 3: Anita 13th (field of 21 riders)
Week 4: Anita 9th, Lois 10th, Leah 11th (field of 17 riders)

Overall Series:

5 Anita Saycell Ystwyth CC
12 Leah Brewer Ystwyth CC
18 Lois Brewer Ystwyth CC
Ystwyth CC is actively trying to encourage ladies to race, with Chris Jones of Ystwyth Juniors arranging ladies’ cycling skills sessions at Canolfan Rheidol with a view to increasing the number of ladies participating in the Aberystwyth Cycle Festival events as well as other similar events. The hope is that the success of club members Anita Saycell, Leah Brewer and Lois Brewer will give further encouragement.