Catalina Architecture & Design TT series 2024 – Round 12 results

The ten riders that lined up for the start were treated to perfect conditions for the Cwm Rheidol 10 mile time trial.

It was going to be an exciting evening with battles for podium places as well as age group places!

Caron took his sixth win this year, finishing in a fantastic 22.09 for a well earned first place podium position. Arwel Jones and Paul Brewer had an exciting battle for the remaining podium places. Arwel ended up edging out Paul by 3 seconds to take second place, with Paul taking third place.

Glyn Williams made a return to the time trials on his road bike, placing an impressive 4th overall, in 25.32 and in doing so, set a new V60 club record. Second in the road bike category David Bond, jumping from strength to strength, smashed his previous time and crossed the line in 27.15. While Martin Williams, despite being edged out of the V70 battle on the night, by Mike Fitch who was riding strongly, took the 3rd road bike category podium.

For the women’s race it was great to see Lois back at the time trials, after a winter of swapping wheels for skis. It was a exciting battle between the two women, Emma and Lois, with Emma taking the win on the night with 25.39 and Lois in second with 26.26.

Round 12 Results – Cwm Rheidol 10 mile:

Caron Owen Pugh 22.09
Arwel Wyn Jones 24.51
Paul Brewer 24.54
Glyn Williams R 25.32
Emma Palfrey 25.39
Lois Brewer 26.26
David Bond R 27.15
Mike Fitch 29.31
Martin Williams R 30.20
Llyr Morgan R 32.56
Time Keepers
Derek Rattray & Andy Hunt
Elaine Rowlands, Anita Saycell & Scott Tompsett

R = No TT bars

Next week (24 July) the series return to the Llety Gwyn 10 mile course: 2024 Catalina Architecture Time Trial Series – Clwb Beicio Ystwyth Cycling Club

Results – Club Strava Hill Challenge

Club members had just the one week (8-14 July) to log their ride up this 7% gradient 2km hill.
The winners were;

Men’s Winners:
1st – Richard Pizzey
2nd – Paul Brewer
3rd – David Bond

Ladies Winners:
1st – Lois Brewer
2nd – Leah Brewer
3rd – Anita Saycell

Well done to all club members that took on the challenge!!
For the next member’s Strava challenge – let us know your ideas

Catalina Architecture & Design TT series 2024 – Round 11 results

Well done to all the riders braving the weather and especially a thank you to Derek, Elaine, Andy and Scott for timekeeping and marshalling. Without the help each week the event would not be possible.

Caron took the win on the night, proving the weather is no barrier! It was fantastic to see Arwel back competing in the time trials, posting a swift 25.28 for second place. While Martin’s consistency to training and racing is paying off, as he dipped under the 30 minute barrier on his road bike, to take third place and cross the line in 29.59.

Round 11 Results – Llety Gwyn 10 mile:

Caron Owen Pugh 22.28
Arwel Wyn Jones 25.28
Martin Williams R 29.59
Derek Rattray & Elaine Rowlands
Scott Tompsett & Andy Hunt

R = No TT bars

Next week (17 July) the series return to the Cwm Rheidol 10 mile course: 2024 Catalina Architecture Time Trial Series – Clwb Beicio Ystwyth Cycling Club

Martin Williams – racing strongly in the 70+ category

Catalina Architecture & Design TT series 2024 – Round 10 results

With a north westerly wind blowing, eight riders avoided the rain to take on the rolling Cwm Rheidol 10 mile course.

This week, Caron Pugh showed his strength and consistency to take another win with a sub 22 minute time. In second place, it was great to see Tony Jones back and testing his legs, with a strong 26.39 on his road bike. Completing the podium, Henry Moore on his road bike finished with a swift 27.41.

Again, a one woman race this week with Emma Palfrey riding strongly to cross the line with 26.14.

Great performances this week from David Bond, Mike Fitch and Martin Williams, all posting faster times on this course than previously.

Well done to all the riders and especially a thank you to Derek, Elaine, Rich and Andy for timekeeping and marshalling. Without the help each week the event would not be possible.

Next week (10 July) the series return to the flatter Llety Gwyn course: 2024 Catalina Architecture Time Trial Series – Clwb Beicio Ystwyth Cycling Club

Round 10 Results – Cwm Rheidol 10 mile:
Caron Owen Pugh 21.56
Emma Palfrey 26.14
Tony Jones R 26.39
Henry Moore R 27.41
David Bond R 28.06
Mike Fitch 29.18
Martin Williams R 30.49
Llyr Morgan R 32.32
Derek Rattray & Elaine Rowlands
Richard Pizzey & Andy Hunt

R = No TT bars

July club Strava hill challenge

The next club member’s Strava challenge starts on Monday 8th July and runs until midnight Sunday 14 July.

Club members have one week to ride the following segment and record a time. Ride it once or attempt it multiple times, it’s up to you!

To take part, just make sure you’re a club member and have joined the Ystwyth CC Strava Group: Ystwyth CC on Strava

Note: For this Strava challenge no e-bikes (we will look at a future e-bike challenge!)

The Segment for this challenge: The Strawberry Farmers | Strava Ride Segment in Aberystwyth,

Shortly after the challenge finishes, the top three men and women will be announced!

Catalina Architecture & Design TT series 2024 – Round 9 results

With a change to the planned course, the riders were treated to the well established flatter 10 mile course instead. With a warm 18 degrees and westerly light winds it proved a favourable night for fast times.

Caron Pugh continued his fantastic form this season with a time of 21.50 that placed him well ahead of the other riders and firmly on the podium in first place. It was great to see Gari Jones back riding his road bike on this course and earning second place, with David Bond continuing to knock more time of his previous course PB (Personal Best) to place third on the podium.

For the ladies, it was a one woman race with Anita taking the win and edging closer to breaking the 27 minute barrier.

In the 70+ category, proving that age is no barrier to speed, Mike Fitch rode strongly on his TT bike knocking nearly two minutes from his first time back on the course this year. While Martin Williams continues to show his strength on his road bike riding consistently each week and edging closer to that sub 30 minute time.

It was fantastic to see Llyr Morgan back and shaving 30 seconds from his previous time!

Well done to all the riders, and a thank you to Andy H, Derek, Scott and Glyn for time keeping and marshalling, making the event possible.

Next week (3 July), the series heads back to the Cwm Rheidol 10 time trial course. Further sign on details will be posted on the Club Facebook page.

Round 9 Results – Llety Gwyn 10 mile:
Caron Owen Pugh 21.50
Anita Saycell 27.02
Gari Jones (R) 28.08
David Bond (R) 28.20
Mike Fitch 29.19
Martin Williams (R) 30.41
Llyr Morgan (R) 32.56
Derek Rattray & Andy Hunt
Scott Tompsett & Glyn Williams

R = No TT bars

Caron Pugh

Catalina Architecture & Design TT series 2024 – Round 8 results

Earlier in the day the best of the British riders battled out the British Time Trial Championships, including our local regular pro rider Lowri Richards and our course record holder Josh Tarling. A fantastic win for Josh to earn the national stripes and great to see local names in the line up!

Inspired by the local successes, nine riders turned out for a sunny evening on the Cwm Rheidol 10 mile course to test their lungs and legs. With light winds from the north west, there would be no weather excuses!

Caron proved the strongest on the night taking the win, with his 22.13 time. In second place, it was great to see long time club member back on the TT bike and proving he hasn’t lost any TT speed. Dewi Hughes crossed the line in 23.58. Completing the podium Adam Hepburn, riding strongly on his road bike to cross the line 24.05.

In the ladies event, Anita crossed the line in 27.25 to take the win, with Emma on her road bike, riding strongly to finish in 27.30.

Mike Fitch and Martin Williams battled the 70+ category, with Mike taking the win in 29.39. Congratulations too to David Bond, dipping under that 30 minute barrier on his road bike and taking two and a half minutes from the first Cwm Rheidol Time Trial he rode this year!

Well done to all the riders and to Andy H, Derek, Scott and Elaine for time keeping and marshalling making the event possible.

Next week (26 June) the series moves to the Devil’s Bridge Hilly time trial course. This course is just over 25km and heads out through Moriah, Devil’s Bridge and Ponterwyd. Further sign on details will be posted on the Club Facebook page.

Round 8 Results – Cwm Rheidol 10 mile:
Caron Owen Pugh 22.13
Dewi Hughes 23.58
Adam Hepburn R 24.05
Anita Saycell 27.25
Emma Palfrey R 27.30
Mike Fitch 29.39
David Bond R 29.45
Martin Williams R 31.14
Llyr Morgan R 33.12

Andy Hunt & Derek Rattray
Scott Tompsett & Elaine Rowlands

#BikeWeekUK Club Strava Challenge 10 – 16 June 2024

The first of the club’s Strava challenges, saw club members heading out on the trails and the road to clock as many miles as they could while enjoying the mixed weather!

The top three riders would be recognised for the following;

  • The longest ride
  • The total distance
  • Highest average speed
  • Highest Elevation

The Strava challenge ended at midnight on the 16 June and the winners were announced (see video below). Next time I think the club will have to ban holiday miles!!

Well done to all 36 members that took part during the week!

More Club Strava Challenges to be announced shortly!

Catalina Architecture & Design TT series 2024 – Round 7 results

With a rare full sun on the forecast, it was great to see nine riders lined up for the Llety Gwyn 10 mile course. Unfortunately, a mechanical at the start meant that one rider had to abandon, leaving the eight to tackle the course.

With the TT secretary away training hard abroad, the riders were left in the capable hands of Elaine, Derek, Scott and Aled to organise, time keep and marshal the event. Thank you to all of them that made the event possible, as well as a thank you to all the riders!

With the westerly wind slightly helping the riders on the outward leg, it was going to be an interesting evening to see if the conditions favoured the riders and fast times.

Once the results were collated, it was Caron Pugh who took a convincing win for the men, looking strong and finishing across the line with 22.19. Taking the second podium spot Ade Price, in 28.06 and David Bond completing the podium in 28.46.

In the women’s event, Lowri Richards was back on her TT bike this week to take the win with a swift 25.33. Emma Palfrey fresh from her win at the Fishguard Sprint Triathlon, crossed the line in second with 25.56.

It was great to see Llyr Morgan, returning back to the time trials and a mention to David Bond who is riding consistently and improving week on week. As well as taking the third podium spot, David had knocked over a minute from his Llety Gwyn previous time.

Next week the time trial series heads back to Cwm Rheidol. All riders are welcome, and further details will be posted on the Club Facebook page before the event.

Round 7 Results – Llety Gwyn 10 mile:
Caron Pugh 22:19
Lowri Richards 25:33
Emma Palfrey 25:56
Anita Saycell 27:12
Ade Price 28:06
David Bond (R) 28:46
Mike Fitch (R) 29:55
Llyr Morgan 33:32

R = No TT bars

Derek Rattray & Elaine Rowlands
Chief Marshal
Scott Tompsett
Aled Richards

David Bond before his PB ride

Catalina Architecture & Design TT series 2024 – Round 6 results

With many away this week, it was down to four riders to take on the rolling Cwm Rheidol 10 mile course. With a strong south westly wind, which proved a battle on the outward leg but a welcome assist on the return to the finish line, it wasn’t going to be an easy night for the riders.

Lowri Richards on top form, chose her road bike over her TT bike and rode strongly to take the ladies and the overall win, with 26.58.

In the men’s event it was great to see triathlete David Jones, riding his first Ystwyth TT of the year and winning the top podium place with his time of 28.29. David Bond took the second spot with his fastest Cwm Rheidol TT time of the year, 30.03.

Well done to all the riders and thank you to Andy H, Derek and Scott for their timekeeping and marshalling, making the event possible.

Next week the time trial series returns to the flatter Llety Gwyn 10 mile course. All riders are welcome, and further details will be posted on the Club Facebook page before the event.

Round 6 Results – Cwm Rheidol:
Lowri Richards R 26.58
Anita Saycell 27.31
David Jones 28.29
David Bond R 30.03

R = No TT bars

Andy Hunt & Derek Rattray
Chief Marshal
Scott Tompsett