Llety Gwyn TT – Round 4

With a return to the faster course this week, the event saw thirteen riders sign on to test themselves on this 10 mile course.

The weather stayed warm and sunny, with a North Westerly breeze which slightly helped on the outward leg.

Again this week saw all the riders under the 30 minute barrier.

The overall win went to Caron Pugh in top form this year crossing the line in 21.58, only two seconds off the senior club course record he set himself in 2022. In second overall place, Daf Wright also having a storming season finished in 22.45, closely followed by Ieuan Andy on his road bike riding strongly to finish in 23.06.

In the ladies race, Lois Brewer fresh from her racing in Essex at the weekend, took the overall win in a fantastic time of 25.26, taking four seconds off the club course record she set herself last year. Crossing the line in second place, Anita Saycell in 27.11.

In the road bike category, Ieuan Andy took the overall win, with Joe Watling crossing the line second showing his strength this year, crossing the line in 25.21, and completing the podium, and it was great to welcome back Andrew Hinklin from Peak Road Club who crossed the line in third place with 25.23.

Overall Men

1st – Caron Owen Pugh (21.58)

2nd – Daf Wright (22.45)

3rd – Ieuan Andrew Davies (23.06)

Overall Ladies

1st – Lois Brewer – (25.26) *New Club Course Record (was 25.30 set by Lois in 2022)

2nd – Anita Saycell (27.11)

Men’s road bike category winners:

1st – Ieuan Andrew Davies (23.06)

2nd – Joe Watling (25.21)

3rd – Andrew Hicklin (25.23)

Next week the series heads to the hilly Nant Yr Arian TT: 2023 Catalina Architecture Time Trial Series

Full Results for the Catalina Architecture & Design TT Series 2023
Round 4. Llety Gwyn 10. Weds May 24th.

Caron Pugh 21.58
Daf Wright 22.45
Ieuan Andy Davies (R) 23.06
Dylan Gwynne Jones 24.49
Paul Brewer 25.11
Joe Watling (R) 25.21
Andrew Hicklin (R) 25.23
Lois Brewer 25.26
Arwel Jones (R) 25.31
Iestyn Stephens 25.54
Reggie Middleton (R) 26.00
Anita Saycell 27.11
Tim Strang (R) 29.11

Thanks to all the riders, Derek Rattray and Andrew Davies for timekeeping, Scott, Gwen and Osian, Tom and Steffan and Iestyn’s dad for marshalling. All of whom there would be no event without you, diolch yn fawr!