Chaingang is back but different!

The club chaingang is back for a few weeks before we lose the evening light.

It will be a slightly shorter route to keep it safer, with riders making their own way to the Golf Club in Borth. The route will then head clockwise from the Borth Golf Club heading north to Ynyslas, then to Tre’r-ddol and the finish in the Rhydypennau School layby.

View the new chaingang route.

The aim of the chaingang is to ride in small groups, taking short turns on the front. The aim is to keep the pace smooth and consistent and work together as a group. You usually find yourself riding a slightly faster pace because you have recovery time when sitting behind the other riders.

Check out the club guidance and tips for riding in a group

No booking is needed, turn up and have a go. The more riders there are the more group pace options there will be.

Where? Meet at the entrance to Borth Golf Club

When? Starting this Thursday 12th August and every Thursday (until we lose the day light!)

Time? Meet at 6:30pm at the Borth Golf Club

Route: 9.6 mi Road Cycling Route on Strava