Ride for Rhodri – 14th August

On Saturday 14th August Clwb Caron are organising a challenge ride in memory of club member Rhodri Davies. Rhodri was a regular at the Ystwyth CC spin sessions and a friend to many Ystwyth CC riders and it would be great for as many Ystwyth CC riders to take part as possible. It’s a great chance to enjoy some cycling on different roads and help support an important charity in Rhodri’s memory.

To encourage as many Ystwyth CC riders as possible to take part, there won’t be any social rides planned on the Sunday 15th August.

There are different distances on offer from a 20 mile family ride up to an epic 150 mile option, with distances in between.


50 mile loop Tregaron, Llanddewi, Cwmann, Llanybydder, Llanwnen, Lampeter.,Llangybi,Tregaron, Bonrhydfendigaid, Tyngraig, Comin Lledrod Common, Tyngraig, Tregaron.

20 mile loop Tregaron, Llanddewi, Cwmann, right turn after Lampeter Coop, Llanfair Clydogau, Llanddewi, Tregaron.

All the proceeds from the event are going to the charity Tir Dewi who provide invaluable support for farmers across Wales. If anyone is unable to ride and would like to donate there is a Just Giving Tir Dewi page.