Riders set blistering times for round 1 – Catalina Architecture TT Series

With all the safety measures in place and following the advice and guidance of the Cycling Time Trials Association the Ystwyth CC club time trials are back for 2020.

It was great to see a club activity return after four months of all activities being suspended. The rain stopped in plenty of time and the gentle south westerly breeze provided great conditions for riders on the Llety Gwyn 10 mile course.

Eight riders had signed on for the first time trial of 2020. A time trial is often known as the ‘race of truth’, with just the rider against the clock. With the new regulations, riders started themselves and were not given a holding start. Each rider then set off every two minutes to ensure as much spacing as possible on the road.

With the good conditions there were some very fast times recorded on the course. The overall ladies winner of round 1 and also a junior rider went to Lowri Richards in a superb time of 27.47 also earning her first place in the ladies road bike category. The overall mens winner was another junior rider Dafydd Wright in a fantastic time and new course personal best of 22.15. In second place across the line, was Rhys Jeffreys in 22.36 with a new personal best time and riding his way closer to breaking the V40 course record set by Danny Thorogood in 2009. Following in third place, was Scott Tompsett in 23.48, setting another new personal best time.

The road bike category winners were Wayne Maguire, crossing the line in 25.21 and Lowri Richards with 27.47.

A thank you to all the riders for taking part in the first event of 2020 and following all the new guidance to keep themselves and others safe. Thank you also to the organisers, Andy Hunt and Derek Rattray and to Andy Davies for marshalling.

The next event in the series is the Devils Bridge Hilly on Wednesday 29th July. The full list of events in the series can be found here: http://www.ystwyth.cc/2020-time-trial-series/ Details about how and where to sign on will be posted on the Club Facebook page before the event.

Catalina Architecture TT Series – Round 1 Results (22nd July 2020)

Dafydd Wright 22.15
Rhys Jeffreys 22.36
Scott Tompsett 23.48
Wayne Maguire R 25.21
Andy Starr 27.01
Lowri Richards R 27.47
Anita Saycell R 27.50
Toby Driver R 30.01