
General Enquiries
Ystwyth Junior Enquiries

Club President – Leif Skot

Chairman – Andy Davies
The role is at the helm of the club and steers it’s future direction. The Chairman chairs the monthly club meetings and AGM and manages and oversees the work of the other club committee members/co-ordinators.

Secretary – Anita Saycell
To arrange regular meetings, providing agendas and minutes. To ensure the club information is up to date on the website. To keep members updated with club news and complete any affiliations paperwork.

Treasurer – Glyn Williams
To oversee the club accounts and provide regular updates at the club meetings and report at the AGM. 

Membership Secretary – Andy Davies
To process and approve membership applications and post out welcome packs to club members.

Time Trial Secretary – Andy Hunt
To complete the necessary paperwork and co-ordinate a series of weekly TT events for club members throughout the summer. 

Assistant Time Trial Secretary – Derek Rattray
To assist the Time Trial Secretary in co-ordinating a series of weekly TT events for club members throughout the summer.

Press Secretary – (Rich Pizzey)
To liaise with the press for regular articles/features on the club member’s activities and club events.  Use of social media and the club blog to promote the club activities and news. 

Social Secretary – Elaine Rowlands
To arrange regular social events throughout the year for club members.

Club Kit Secretary –  Paul Tedaldi
To arrange orders for the club kit and casual kit for members.

Mountain Bike Secretary – Dylan Williams
To attend regular club meetings to represent the MTB section. Co-ordinate regular MTB social rides.

Welfare Officer – Andy Davies
Assist with the safeguarding and protecting of children, young people and vulnerable adults.


Website – Rhys Jeffreys
Ieuenctid Ystwyth Juniors – Scott Tompsett
Sunday Beginner Ride – Andy Davies
Sunday Social Ride – Derek Rattray
Sunday Club Run – Anita Saycell
Chaingang Ride – to be confirmed
Indoor Winter Spin – Helen Marshall
Aberystwyth Cycle Festival – Shelley Childs