Club Constitution

A.1 Name & Objects
The Club shall be called Clwb Beicio Ystwyth Cycling Club. It will be known as Ystwyth Cycling Club.
The object of the club shall be to provide competitive and other cycling and social facilities for members of the Club.

A.2 Subscriptions
The annual subscriptions will be decided at the Annual Meeting each year.
The annual subscription shall be payable as you join the Club, and thereafter on 1st January.
All new applications for membership shall be approved by the Membership Secretary.

A.3 Club Committee and Management.
The Management of the Club shall be vested in a main committee which shall consist of;
Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and others as deemed necessary.

Subject to the provisions of Rule 9, these officials and members shall be elected at the AGM.
Any committee member wishing to resign shall give notice in writing to the Secretary.
The Club shall affiliate to organisations deemed necessary.

A.4 Membership.
Membership is open to all, and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of race, occupation, gender, religious, political or other grounds.
There shall be the following categories of membership;

  • Adult
  • Student
  • Junior
  • Honorary Members

Honorary Members are those who are considered to have rendered special service to the Club, as decided by a Meeting of the Club.

A.5 Voting Rights.
All Full and Honorary Members, shall be entitled to vote. Voting shall be by simple majority of those present, except for additions or amendments to the Constitution, where a 2/3 majority of those present shall be required.

A.6 Annual General Meeting.
The AGM of the Club will be held yearly, and at no greater interval than Fifteen (15) Months.
The AGM shall transact the following business;

  • Receive the reports of the Club officials.
  • Receive the Treasurers report and approve the Accounts.
  • Elect officials.
  • Determine the rate and term of Annual Subscriptions.
  • Consider where necessary any other competent business.
  • Elect delegates to organisations to which the Club is affiliated.

Any proposed alterations and/or additions to the rules, shall be given to the Secretary 21 days prior to the date of the AGM.
An agenda, giving a complete list of the proposed alterations and /or additions to the rules shall be available 7 days prior to the date of the AGM.
The Secretary, must give one calendar months’ notice, to members, of date of the AGM.

A.7 Finance.
The financial year of the Club shall run from October to September.
All monies of the Club shall be banked in the name of the Club and be payable on the signatures of two delegated officials.

A.8 Meetings.
The Secretary will give notice of Committee Meetings, seven days in Advance.

A.9 Co-option.
The Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies in its number should they occur, or to co-opt members on to the Committee.

A.10 Sub-committees.
The Committee shall have the power to set up sub- committees to consider any matter(s) relating to the Clubs business, as it considers fit.  The convener of the sub-committee shall be a member of the Club committee.

A.11 Club Levy.
In the event of the Club having insufficient funds to meet its debts, a special General meeting shall be called, to fix a levy upon its members. Such levy shall be fixed and borne pro rata.

A.12 Limit of Committee Power.
The committee shall neither indulge in nor attempt anything of a hazardous nature which may affect or endanger the Club financially, nor shall they contribute any portion of the funds to any organisation or individual, unless such contribution is for the benefit of the sport or is sanctioned by the objects of the Club.

A.13 Power to incur expenditure.
All matters involving financial implications, except the normal day to day running of the Club by the Treasurer, must have prior approval of the Committee.

A.14 Matters not covered by the Constitution and Rules
The Committee shall have the power to act in any way concerning any matter for which the Constitution and Rules do not make any provision.

A.15 Dissolution.
If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains, after satisfaction of all the Clubs debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objects (i.e. aims and activities) similar to the objects of the Club, such organisation or organisations to be determined by the members of the Club by resolution passed at a general meeting at or before the time of dissolution, and, in so far as effect cannot be given to such provision, the to some charitable objects.